DX4000 UPS Hibernation Issues

I purchased an APC UPS for my DX4000 and after finding that using the Shutdown option (for Critical battery action in Windows Power Options) doesn’t do a clean shutdown I decided to try hibernate instead. I enabled hibernate using “powercfg.exe /hibernate on” from the command prompt. This works for the most part and the DX4000 will boot back up without having an issues with the RAID, but there are a couple of minor issues I’ve noticed:

  • If I open the Dashboard there are issues with the System Temperature and Fan. The Enclosure temperature reads 0C and CPU1/2 read -1C with a Status of “Information no available” and a Description of “Not Connected.” The Fan has a status of “Failed”, Value of “0 RPM” and Description of “Unit is currently inactive or has failed.”, but I can hear the fan running so it seems to be operating fine. The system also doesn’t generate any alerts for these issues, the only way I found out was by opening the dashboard and going to the monitor page.
  • The blue led on the front of the unit blinks indefinitely.

If I remote login and restart the server these problems go away after a reboot. Does anyone know of a solution to these issues?

I am sorry not, the unit (or at least the WD services controlling fan and leds) are simply not designed to manage hibernation. However I am curious to know what do you mean by “doesn’t do a clean shutdown”. It does not work or what else? thank you

If I use shutdown instead of hibernate in the Windows Power Options, then when I pull power from the UPS and the battery hits my set critical level the DX4000 seems to power off very quickly and when I power it back on it has to go through the process of verifying the RAID. Whereas if I shutdown normally through the dashboard it takes a little time and the display on the front of the unit says “SHUTTING DOWN”.

It seems like some other users were running into the same issues with shutdown being triggered by an UPS as well, it was mentioned in this post: DX4000 on UPS - #7 by Gramps

I was not aware of this W2008 issue. Did you try the script mentioned in this post?


set wmi = GetObject(“winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(Shutdown)}!\.\root\cimv2”)
set batteryColl = wmi.ExecQuery(“select * from Win32_Battery”)
set osColl = wmi.ExecQuery(“select * from Win32_OperatingSystem”)
while true
for each battery in batteryColl
if battery.batteryStatus = 1 and battery.EstimatedChargeRemaining <= 5 then
for each os in osColl
os.Win32Shutdown 5
end if
wscript.Sleep 15000

I hadn’t seen that. It looks like Win32Shutdown 5 issues a force shutdown though - I can’t see that being a good thing in this case. Maybe I’ll try it with a Win32Shutdown 1, which should be a regular shutdown.

please keep us informed in case it will work - thanks

I think it should work. I modified the script to just do the Win32Shutdown 1 and it shutdown cleanly. I’m a little hesitant to rely on the script to monitor the battery voltage though - what if the script stopped running for some reason? If I stick with letting the windows power management put it into hibernate mode, I just need to restart the DX4000 if there is ever a power outage to get the fan and temp monitors working again. Or I could run both and have the script set to a higher battery percentage and use the hibernate as a backup.

Shutdown should work, but you may be waiting to long to start it. If they power is off after a minute I would go ahead and shut down.

Though I have started using this. Kinda cute. So if you have more than one pc plugged into a battery it will shut them all down