Duplicate video files

I have a new issue with MyCloud: every video file I copy from my mac shows as duplicate files on MyCloud.

Anyone knows what is the issue? Worse: when I click on one of the files, my TV crashes.

This never happened to me with these files copied on flash drives and connected to the TV.

Tired of this non ending issues with Mycloud. Is Mycloud software the culprit? Well if yes, then what a crappy software. It s as though we are being used as guinea pigs to test this junk. Did you ship the server with a beta version?

Are you using Safepoints? If yes, make sure you have not enabled media scan for the Safepoint share.

Safepoints? What is that? See, my understanding is that this toy is plug n play with no hassle no headache. Apparently, software engineers @WD are not sensitive to the needs of laymen such as myself and other fella, they make such complicated products. In the past, I bought WD live media or whatever, that was the crappiest purchase i have ever had in my life, the interface was torture.

There is no reason why the video files on MyCloud should come duplicated. It’s a failure, complete failure.

This issue is currently under investigation.