DTS passthrough problem

Hi everyone,

I’m looking for some help regarding my new WD TV Play box i just brought. It all works great but when trying to play certin mkv movies i get

“This video contains DTS audio which can’t be played by the WD TV Play. Setup digital passthrough to a DTS capable receiver if you wish to hear audio”

Can anyone tell me how i can do this so i get the sound?

I’ve got a samsung plasma telly if that helps :slight_smile:

Any help woud be greatly appreciated.



First you need to make sure your Samsung supports DTS.

If it does, then just change the audio mode of the Play to Digital Passthrough via HDMI.


Thanks for that. I found the option on the Play and tried it but it still won’t work.

I checked my telly out. Its a Samsung PS43F4500. According to the tech sheets i can find it has DTS studio sound and DTS Premium Audio 5.1.

I’m not sure if it supports these or if thats just what it has?

Can i assume that because after selecting the option and it stil not having sound it won’t work? Is a new telly in order?

It’s gutting after getting it and being pleased witht the unit apart from this  :(

Thanks again.


Just set passthrough via HDMI to auto,

and it will show you what type of audio formats will your TV accept.

Most likely it will be PCM and Dolby Digital at the best.