Drive space seems wrong

I have an 8TB My Cloud Home. It is set up as RAID1 and the settings page shows only 250GB of 4TB available. I’ve checked and I have 11GB in my personal folder, and 20GB in the Public folder. There is nothing in the TimeMachine folder. Why does it show so little space available?

I think I figured it out. I had just cleaned out a lot of stuff from the drive. Now the next day it’s showing 3.8TB available. I guess it just takes time to update the space available.

My Cloud Home does not have RAID for those who may be confused reading this in this forum

I have a My Cloud Home Duo.

From the settings page:

Storage Type: My Cloud Home
Configuration: RAID1

Now I am confused reading this forum.

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No harm done, I was just pointing out that this is the ‘My Cloud Home’ subforum, not the the MCH Duo subforum which is in another subforum, and that some readers may be confused by your statements. There are major differences in the functionality of the two devices such as RAID even though they share the same OS4.

Understood. I was unaware of the separate Duo forum.