Download app help

I have a problem whit the app download, when add in the interface ed2k an ed2k (emule) link it say me not valid.
I try add a torrent with file and it’s ok (I don’t try whit url) but emule have only link says ed2k:// and not file :sob:
I say this interface is more limited (have only up/down value) but I use only emule and in firmware 2.02.32 changelog emule is mentioned.
Thanks and sorry for my bad English, I know :smiley:

Hi, how are you downloading an app to the WD TV? As far as I remember you shouldn’t be able to download apps to this media player.

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hi, ahahah my English is very very bad :smiley:
No, sorry, I want know how to use app download created by WD with the new firmware and no download app whit my wd gen 3 :frowning:

no one have tried =? :frowning: