Does anyone have f irmw are version 1.01.10

I did the update to version 1.01.11 and the audio sync issue made watching anything worthless. So I downgraded to the only f irmw I could find (1.01.00). I would like to install the version which came with my unit. Does anyone happen to have 1.01.10? I can not find it anywhere.

Contacting customer support just rewarded me with a canned answer and no real help. I thought WD would at least include it on the CD in the box…nope.

Many Thanks.

I haven’t seen it anywhere, either.  thought someone found it, but when I did a search on the forum, I couldn’t find anything for you.  guess we’re all stuck waiting for another, better firmware version.  hopefully it’ll be soon.

Well, at least v1.01.00 works fairly well. I know WD is working hard to fix these issues. As I see it, 1.01.11 is worthless because of the audio sync issue. They better get out an update before x-mas or most of the new owners not aware of the problems will just update and have the same issues. WD isn’t going to make the same mistake twice. The dust will clear and the next update will be good (fingers crossed).

I asked support twice and even they suggest to search the web for it. No one seems to have version 1.01.10.

yeah, if support doesn’t know, you can bet they don’t want us downgrading.  I’m sure they’re running the next update through the mill so it doesn’t turn into another fiasco.  I guess I’m stuck with being patient about it.