Does anyone can help me to access WD10000D033

Hi people,
Can someone help me how to access my WD10000D033 via LAN ?
I have an old HDD with the blue ring white color WD HDD. It’s been a while but I forgot how to access it.
Does anyone can help me to access through LAN cable?


Any driver I can use?

Much appreciated.

Hi @rujukjamaah
Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

To access your WD10000D033 (Western Digital My Book World Edition) via LAN, connect it to your local network router using an Ethernet cable. Find its IP address either through your router’s admin interface or using network scanning tools. Then, open a web browser, enter the IP address, and log in with the default credentials (usually “admin” for both username and password). Once logged in, you can access and manage your files through the web interface. If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to ask.