Do I have OS3?

My question may sound silly, but: I have a single bay MyCloud Drive with firmware 2.41.116, so it’s not running OS3? Right?

Can I install OS3 on it somehow? Or is it running OS3? But then I see no way to install Apps like Transmission or Goodsync which should be possible?

You have OS3

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Thanks! But shouldn’t I be able to install additional Apps on may Mycloud? How does that work?

Officially? No. The second gen single bay/single drive My Cloud do not officially support installing third party modules.

* My Cloud (Single Bay) does not support 3rd party apps

Unofficially, one can trick/modify the second gen single bay My Cloud OS3 firmware to allow for some unofficial third party apps to be installed. See the following link for more information about installing unofficial mods on a second gen single bay My Cloud (OS3 firmware).

Do not expect WD to assist or answer questions about unofficial modifications to their firmware/devices.

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follow these instructions

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