DLNA enabled bluray disk to connect NAS

Hi. I have a WD MYcloud 4tb. I am planning to buy a DNLA enabled bluray disk to connect my TV and NAS.

I am looking at a bluray disk player which says they can stream photos/videos from a compatible DLNA-enabled Windows PC.

Question - I am a bit confused with the wording Windows PC. Will this player connect my NAS and PC or should I be looking for any specific words in technical details of the player

in therory any DLNA player can play from and DLNA server however the reality is more spotty in compatibility and features.

My LG TV plays fine from the mycloud so I would probably start there, unless you want a game system too, the PS3 also plays fine. My Dish hopper system would ocasionally play parts of some files on the mycloud.

it also veries with encoding, different players may require different encoding

The MyCloud has the Twonky DLNA Media Server installed. This is a DLNA-compliant server, so any DLNA-compliant client device should be able to connect to it.

However, as larryg0 suggests, the ability to play media files depends on the client supporting the media format (both container format and CODEC format: google these terms if you’re not familiar with them). You can usually download manuals for any DVD player you might consider buying. These manuals will usually have a table of media formats they support via DLNA.

For an alternative approach that doesn’t rely on a ‘walled garden’ for the ‘smart’ functions, have a look at this thread:


Of course, if you’re looking to get a Blu-Ray player anyway…