Deleting Files - Space Shortage

I have a MyBookLive. Ever since I started using Thunderbird the space is getting used up quickly as Thunderbird seems to renew certain large files on my hard disk regularly. The old ones are deleted on my hard disk but seem to remain and cumulate on the MyBookLive disk. Does any one know if it’s possible to set the software on the MyBookLive so that if you delete something on your hard drive of your pc it also deletes from the backup on the MyBookLive? Thanks

Well, technically the MBL settings and have nothing to do with what you’re describing. I assume it’s whatever software you’re using for backups or whatever.

Good point. But the software I’m using is the one supplied by Western Digital (WD) which came with the MyBookLive and is called WD SmartWare. So is there a setting in that software which would do what I need do you know?

Ok, so you’re using WD Backup.

Sounds like you might want to use WD Sync instead. But keep in mind. A Sync is not a backup in the true sense.

Oh yes, I didn’t know about WD Sync. I might do that but it’s not exactly what I need. I’ll most probably just have a regular routine to purge the unwanted files from MyBookLive. Thanks for your suggestions.