Dashboard UI different

Curious why the dashboard on my MyCloud Ext2 Ultra looks different. I’m am viewing it on an iPad Pro. I can only select “Home, Downloads and Web File Viewer”. I could ad a pic but not sure how to do that.

First, this subforum (My Cloud) typically discusses a different My Cloud model than the My Cloud EX2 Ultra model. There is a dedicated subforum for the EX2 series here: https://community.wd.com/c/network-attached-storage/wd-my-cloud-ex2

Second, how are you accessing the My Cloud Dashboard? Generally one accesses the My Cloud Dashboard via http://wdmycloud/ or http://wdmycloud.local/ in their web browser while connected to the same local network as the My Cloud device.

The MyCloud.com web portal is not the My Cloud Dashboard. Nor can one generally use the WD mobile apps to access the My Cloud Dashbard.

Solved: I was logged in as a user, with limit access. Loggin as admin and voila!, full access.