Converting to RAID 1 very slow - did it stop?


I just bought a my book live duo 4 TB and am trying to convert it to raid 1 maximum security. It has been running for 8-9 hours now and only says that 1% is completed. Is everything okay and if not what do i do?

Thanks in advance.


Just to be clear I am reffering to the rebuilding phase



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It is up to 4% now. With this speed it is going to take 25 full days to make the conversion . Can this be right? Does any one know if this is the kind of speed that I should expect from my book live duo in other areas as well?

Best regards,



It is precisely 24 hours since i started the conversion to Raid1. The My Book Live duo 4T is telling me that 4% is complete. The really wierd stuff is that only 7GB of data is sitting on it. 

Can anybody help me here? It is going to take a month.



Yeah, that’s not right.

It should take no more than 24-36 hours total.

and it doesn’t matter if there’s data or not.  Even an empty volume must be synchronized.

I would bet one of the two disks is bad.