Connecting to my PC share

I can connect to my pc with my WDTVLIVEPLUS but it will not let me connect to my shares only Media Player shares. And When I go to my pc to corret the problelm, I only see My Computer under Network in Explorer. When I see the   WDTVLIVEPLUS device it allows me to access my shares.

My question is how can I get Explorer to show the  WDTVLIVEPLUS I need to do a hard core refresh of my network for it to show I think.

When I run net view i get 

C:\Users\ATl-Main>net view
System error 6118 has occurred.

The list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available

WDTVLIVEPLUS show in Media Devices in Exploer

 Your first question sounds like a share issue if I read you correctly. Simply unshare the folder/drive and reshare it out. Reboot if needed.

 The second issue sounds like the WD unit is not being discovered on the network.

  1. Pull power cord on WDTV unit. Don’t hit the power off button here.

  2. Reboot PC and wait a couple minutes for your network to come up and find all your devices. Be patient here.

  3. Couple minutes later power ON your WDTV unit. Wait a bit and check to see if it appears in Explorer. Hit F5 and highlight your network icon to refresh, or attempt to refresh your network anyway. Freakin windoze.

 The second issue is a network discovery issue. Not finding your WDTV unit.


AndreL wrote:

When I run net view i get 


C:\Users\ATl-Main>net view
System error 6118 has occurred.

The list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available

I have win 7 64 bit, and when i do a network map it show me the WDTVLIVEPLUSE device but it will not show it in the Computer Area in Explorer.

I check my router and it take an IP address, but the name doesn’t show, and the IP address between the two (Comuter - WD device) are the same.

Slomo I did all that and it still will not show the device or connect to my PC form the WD device. 

I’m able to ping the other device on the network but can’t browse for it (WDLIVETVPLUS)

 I can see it in Devices and Printers

Sorry for all the post I’m learning the interface of the forum. 

There can be only one …

Master browser 

I installed a second hardrive in my PC in order to have all A/V downloads there, but my WD Live don not see or point to the newone, it only sees or points to C:, anybody knows how to correct this problem?  This is the path I am taking on my WD Live: Video+ Network Shares+My PC’s name, after connects : Users, when it goes to this last step it is already in drive C, so I don’t have a way to make it point to my new driver J. Help Please!!

Have you correctly shared your new drive on your computer. Sharing does not occur automagically.

I just bought the WD live hub yesterday and, when connected to the network, tried to see it from my windows 7 computer to upload some files to the internal HD.

It only appeared under the media devices list, but could not see it under the Computer list, so that I couldn’t open it and copy files there.

I just tried quickly yesterday, and maybe I am doing something wrong.

Anyway, is there any help around ?

Have you found and solved the same problem?
