Connect VLC to MyCloud on local Network

Hi All,

I feel like I’m missing something obvious here but how do I connect the VLC Media Player from my laptop (OSX) to the MyCloud storage?  I have tried a variety of combinations in the open stream source (including //wdmycloud/music) but nothing seems to work.  

This is all on my local network so I’m not trying to access it outside of my home.  What URL do I need to connect to?

Seems to be a VLC issue. I can add the MyCloud to Kodi using smb://cloudname but VLC says it doesn’t exist.

Hmm, that seems odd as I’ve seen others talking about their ability to connec to VLC (they had other issues).

For more context, I can connect to //wdmycloud/music from my Sonos.

Just been looking at the VLC App on Android, and the associated Wiki. It looks like both are very immature; the Wiki is almost useless, with no explanation of any settings.

The iOS Wiki looks a bit better, but still pretty light

Google isn’t much help

VLC works as a player within Kodi; not sure if the standalone app is very good yet.

 For more context, I can connect to //wdmycloud/music from my Sonos.

Yes, just as I can in Kodi; that’s why I suggested it’s a VLC problem, and, on further inspection of the VLC app and documentation, I’m inclined to suggest the Android app is very immature, and I guess the iOS app may be too, and they don’t work as well as their desktop antecedents; they certainly don’t have the same, comprehensive menu, so I’m guessing they’re still very feature-light.