Confused - 4tb My Cloud - Firmware / Apps

Hi, I have picked up a 4tb single bay mycloud. Its running firmware 2.30.172.

Is this a gen2? Can I enable app installs on this model? Any thing else i can do with it? A link to any guides for hacking and getting the most out of it would be much appeciated!

Thanks for all your help!

Yes v2.x firmware on the single bay My Cloud unit is second gen. Use the forum search feature, magnifying glass icon upper right, to find numerous past discussions on adding unofficial apps and enabling the apps tab.

Here is one such discussion that can be found using the forum search feature:

WD MyCloud Gen2 - Enable apps install tab + Apps!.

Thanks ever so much!

Now have plex and transmission installed and running great!
Performance is suprisingly good, i assume it wont try to transcode? Infact i wonder if that can be disabled?

Plex doesn’t officially support transcoding on certain My Cloud devices. See the following for more information.

NAS Compatibility Guide:

Hi I have a 4Tb Gen 2 mycloud running on firmware 2.30.172
can u make a youtube video how to do hacking for enabling app installation and I am interested in installing transmission app for torrent upload and download

I have tried to follow WD MyCloud Gen2 - Enable apps install tab + Apps! - #294 by elliots
but not able to understand properly if poosible share a link of screenshots and video link If possible

Thanks for all your help in solving and understanding how to do it

I hope you can help me