Compatibility of my WD hard drive with Mac/ Compatibilidad de my Disco duro con Mac

Hi. I need help. How can I know if the hard drive i have is Mac compatible?

Unfortunately when i purchased it i had a PC and lost the instructions now i just bought a Mac laptop but all my files are in my hard drive.

Hope someone can help me. Thanks.

Hola. Necesito ayuda. Como se si el disco duro que tengo es compatible con Mac? EL disco duro lo compre porque tenia una laptop PC pero acabo de comprar una laptop Mac y todos mis archivos estan en mi disco duro.

No tengo el instructivo.

Ojala que alguien me pueda ayuda. Muchas Gracias.

Have you plugged it into your mac? If so, it should show up in your Finder window.

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If the drive was used on Windows before it will be read only on a Mac. Something like NTFS-3G should make it usable on both Mac and Windows.



Thank you so much. I’ll try later today and i’ll let you know if it worked.