Cloud home MacBook

Hi all, new here (& old!)
Can’t find an answer to this.
I’ve a MacBook on Sierra. I need to back up
Bought my cloud home. iPad I’ve an app, that app not available on Mac! (The cloud machine is still in the box). So how will I use it to back up Mac?
Will I need to return the unit!
Thank you

Have you visited the Learning Center and looked at the User Manual for the My Cloud Home? You will see a link to apps too, check out the system requirements for the apps.

I followed the link just in case.
The app is mobile, only for phones & pad, not Mac sadly!
Thanks for your help

I also just bought “my cloud home” two days ago. Once I powering up the cloud home and connecting it to my router, and my MacBook, it showed up as one of the drives that I could choose to backup to when I added a new Time Machine. Just simple as that! However, it took about 27 Hrs to finish the backup of 190GB of Data.