Suddenly I can’t reach the media in “Public” folder on My Cloud with media players? I can reach all folders with the desktop app and with Windows Explorer. In explorer and on my media players a new unit appears “Twonky Server at …” I have used the settings in Twonky, to sync the “Public” folder with my media, but nothing appears?
Is there some instructions how to get this work or can I go back to earlier function and erase twonky???
Are all your media players showing in your Dashboard and ON? See example image below.
Click on, tap or activate image to enlarge it.
Have you rebooted the My Cloud and your router?
What troubleshooting steps have you done?
Hi cat0w. Thanks for the rapid answer. I reboted the My Cloud… but not the router. Shall do a complete reboot of all devices. Yes my settings are like in your screenshot.
I’ll be back…
Now I get into twonky and it has updated with pics and music, but unplayable… corrupted and not from the “Public” folder that I synced??? No videos? I have some in that folder to…
The Activity status tells “Not streaming” but its on in the My Cloud panel
OK… now works. Did a resharing of the folders in the “Sharing” section. And turned off the “Aggregation”
Work perfect now.