Can't find "My Passport" in Finder, or anywhere


I have a MacBook Air using Yosemite. When I first installed My Passport Ultra, it was seen as usual in Finder. But next time I plugged it in it did not appear in Finder. Cannot find i anywhere. I know that it should be working because when I plug it out my computer is given a varning sign that I have unplugged “My Passport” in a correct way. Pleas help me!

Did you try changing the USB cable? Does it work in another Mac? Is your hard drive detected in Disk Utility? Was your hard drive accidentally disconnected the last time it was used?

It is detected in Disk Utility. What can I do?

How is it detected? Does it allow you to click on First Aid to attempt a repair process?

I have open the “WD Drive Utilities” and can see that “My Passport Ultra 3.0 TB” is connected (Because when I switch to my other My Passport 1.0 TB, it is changed to that instead). I don’t exactly know First Aid is, but in this program “WD Drive Utilities” I can do a scanning of the utility and the result is approved.

I tried to klick on the symbol of My Passport in the program WD Drive Utilities. I choose “Show in Finder” but a pop up said “Recovery HD can not be found”.

I have also detected My Passport in Disk Utility on my Mac but the symbol for “Put on the Desk” cannot be klicked on…

I am having exactly same issue when connecting My Passport Ultra 3.0TB on a iMac:

  • WD Drive Utilities identify correctly
  • WD Drive Utilities can scan drive and tests are positive
  • Finder cannot identify WD drive (not visible external drive)
  • No WD drive on desktop
  • WD Unlocker identify drive and asks for password to access