Can't connect to Timemachine as a guest (MacOS)

Hi there, I have an issue with using my Mycloud Home Duo as a backup unit for my Mac’s. I am running MacOS Ventura 13.2.1, mycloud is in my homenetwork. I can see the Timemachinebackup share but when I try to log on as a guest, it won’t let me. I have searched all of the Internet (maybe not good enough), called with WD support (useless) but haven’t found the solution. Hope somebody here can help me. Thanks in advance.

Hi @hvernes,

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

I have opened a case and the solution would be something to do with the DNS rebinding in the Frtizbox. All well, but now I need to enter a hostname in the Fritzbox for my WD. Unfortunately I can’t figure this out. Should it be something like : mycloud-####? I can fill in the blanks for the number ###, but am looking for the exact naming.

Maybe somebody is reading this thread, because I really need help, this issue is driving me crazy. I have now new insights. When I use my MBP with the same version of Ventura (this MBP has never made backups to my old Time Capsule), I can easily connect to the TimeMachineBackup share on my WD Mycloud Home. My iMac, even after a complete software reinstall, still won’t let me. The only difference I can see is that the MBP is a M1 chip and the iMac is Intel. Any help is much appreciated!