Cannot logon to webadmin on My Cloud EX2 Ultra

I had this NAS for several years and over the time connected to webadmin with user admin to set up for example a plex server and a couple of shares. Luckily I enabled ssh access too.
The NAS usually just works so I rarely logon to it once setup.

A couple of days ago I was on the plex server and saw that there is an update. I have to go through the webadmin to perform the update so I try to logon using admin and the password stored in my password manager. It doesn’t work.

I logon with ssh (with my ssh user) and sets the password for admin (sudo passwd admin). That is successful but I still cannot logon to the webadmin.

I have checked the log files and found this in nasAdmin.log that seems to be the reason

2024-04-27T12:37:14.480943+02:00 di=7OZQuX51wL info nasAdmin[4356]: {“authFail”:{“logMsg”:“unsupported hashing algorithm detected”,“authFailCode”:0},“corid”:“nad:R7NXMT6SohCQd7eFAXum”,“msg”:“authentication failure”,“msgid”:“auth/session”,“operation”:“login”,“status”:“fail”}
2024-04-27T12:37:14.483177+02:00 di=7OZQuX51wL debug nasAdmin[4356]: {“corid”:“nad:R7NXMT6SohCQd7eFAXum”,“msgid”:“request fails”,“request”:{“status”:401,“duration”:2,“method”:“POST”,“path”:“/nas/v1/auth”,“scheme”:“http”,“client”:“”}}

I guess this is due to that I changed the password using passwd. Is it possible to set the password from the ssh console? Or is there a way to reset without loosing data? I believe passwd uses des to hash the password and this may be the reason logon with the new password dos not work.

passwd used des as default
sudo passwd -a sha256 admin
solved my problem