Cannot access dashboard and cannot (soft/hard) reset EX2 Ultra

Hello there,

I’m Tanguy, I’ve got a My Cloud EX2 Ultra. Today, I tried to move about 20 big files (for about 80Gb) and it seemed to be very slow: around 5Mb/s.

I was wondering why and tried to figure it out by checking on the internet, and I changed my IPv4 settings from static to DHCP. Since, I cannot access to the NAS anymore (web dashboard, Windows Explorer, My Cloud app).

The old IP address was, it was supposed to change to I checked my internet configuration, the NAS is connected and the IP address looks good.

I tried to restore the NAS by hard reset, but I cannont reset it, I follow the steps explained here:

Please, can you help me to get my nas back?

Thank you,

Hi @trommens,

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting: