Cannot access dashboard, 40 second reset doesnt work!

I have two mycloudex2ultra 2x4gb network drives that up to a month ago worked perfectly fine. They both have movies and music stored on them which I could access via Plex on any device or tv in the house.
However the mycloud OS5 ap has never picked them both up, one is always offline despite working okay on plex.
Now neither device will play via plex - plex can see the content but says cpu conversion error.
Windows 10 laptop can no longer access the devices to save material on.
I tried the 4 second reset to check the dashboard in case of an error. Cannot access it.
So tried the 40 second reset option which does not seem to work as the device names are still the same? I can see them, just cant access them?
I thought a 40 second reset puts the devices back to as if you just came home with them and when i follow the steps to access the dashboard, it says cannot connect.
All devices are on the same network.
Has anyone got any ideas given my probable amateur explanation?
Thank you

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Hi @Colonelkaye ,

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

Well; if you did a 40 second reset – - > I believe the device name was reset to default. Which would be the SAME for both devices. I would take one unit offline; and then try to access the one online using the normal means. First order of business would be to reset the device names.

(alternatively: Check your router and see what IP addresses were assigned. Then access the dashboard by typing the ip address into the address bar. Usually, my “second order of business” would be to assign the devices permanent IP addresses from the router.)