Can I use My Passport / Book to backup (and restore) two or three computers?

I am new to WD Smartware but have bought a My Passport and a My Book Essential to provide secure backups for two computers used for business. Also as backup storage of photos, music and other contents in one of these and two other family computers. I have two old HHDs retained from defunct computers and full of potentially useful earlier research work.

I have been making backups of my main computer for a few weeks now into the Book and more recently the Passport which is neater and powered off the computer.

But now I have accumulates useful work in my second computer and want to back that up. I did not Lock the Passport on computer 1 and have no password set. But when I put it into computer 2 I am asked to Unlock it and I cannot get past that block. I have not seen any threads relevant to this so wonder if anyone can help me please?

I would ideally like to back up both computers 1 & 2 weekly, into alternately My Passport and My Book, and also be able to use them to copy files from computer 1 to 2 and vice versa. Occasionally I would like to make backups of the other family computers and the two spare disc drives, for safety.

Can one do this? And how does one overcome te Unlock problem?

My Passport has SmartWare v. The manual says one can copu retrieved files to any specified retrieve folder but I have not been successful so far.

Your help will be much appreciated! Thank you!


northcote wrote:

But now I have accumulates useful work in my second computer and want to back that up. I did not Lock the Passport on computer 1 and have no password set. But when I put it into computer 2 I am asked to Unlock it and I cannot get past that block. I have not seen any threads relevant to this so wonder if anyone can help me please?


Your help will be much appreciated! Thank you!


when you connect the passport back to computer 1 does it ask for a password also?  what operating systems are you running on the two computers? 

No - on computer 1 it continues to work as before with no password needed. My computer 1 system is Windows Vista, computer 2 is Windows 7. Thank you!

your issue might actually be a windows permission issue, and not a smartware issue.  can you post a pic of the password screen?

Encountered such a problem is really bad, yes, unfortunately, but why do not you try to help you lower your maintenance staff to resolve it? Not live to know the symptoms can not be solved.