Can be downloaded for any wd hard drive

can be downloaded for any wd hard drive

Hi there, I don’t quite get the question but Smartware can be downloaded from WD’s site for free, but it won’t work if you don’t have a copatible drive that comes with it.

my hard drive is a element desktop and i want to put smartware on it so if my friend takes it he cant use it

Smartware is not compatible with the Element drives…

i need a free software where i can lock my hard drive and move it from pc to pc without installing anything to the pc do know a software

Well dude that’s a hard one.

When you lock a drive, the drive needs something to unlock it. The drives what come with Smartware have the VCD that allows the drive to be unlocked even if Smartware is not present, but if you create an encryption with another software (Like BitLocker for example) then you’ll be very likely to need the exact same software to unlock it…

What if the HD is locked and the firmware needs to be updated? What should do? I can’t run the WD Stupidware because the firm ware is not updated. And I can’t update the firmware because the HD is locked. And I can’t unlock the HD because I can’t run the WD Stupidware.

WDStupidWare wrote:

What if the HD is locked and the firmware needs to be updated? What should do? I can’t run the WD Stupidware because the firm ware is not updated. And I can’t update the firmware because the HD is locked. And I can’t unlock the HD because I can’t run the WD Stupidware.

Try a Firmware update on Windows anyways. It will tell you that the drive is locked and will give you the option to erase the drive along with the encryption and then it will update.

BTW: You CAN install Smartware even if you don’t have the drive as WD’s website has the file ready for public downloads, so try to install it directly. It should also recognize that the drive is locked (If you do have a drive compatible with Smartware) the next time you connect it and give you the option to erase it after trying a few random passwords. 

Also, not all drives are compatible with Smartware or have firmware updates.