Are there any Passport Ultra drives that allow me to track them if they're lost or stolen?

As a business owner, I would like to purchase some Passport Ultra external hard drives.

I would just like to know if there are any WD portable hard drives that offer LoJack capabilities.

None of them have that capability. Keep a record of the serial numbers. If one is stolen, all WD can do is flag that serial number as stolen in case the thief would be dumb enough to call in for support.

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Suggest you get a WD pro-grade NAS that is accessible remotely or a virtual cloud storage service that can’t be “lost or stolen”.

can’t vouch for any of them … but apparently there are services and software available eg.[quote=“mike27oct, post:3, topic:177382, full:true”]
Suggest you get a WD pro-grade NAS that is accessible remotely or a virtual cloud storage service that can’t be “lost or stolen”

but could be “hacked” which is pretty much the same as “stolen”

True, but a virtual cloud or a NAS is not likely to be left in a coffee shop or swiped from a car trunk.

Thank you guys for your input!