Arabic subtitles


we need your help for arabic subtitles on WD mini player


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Your post sounds more like an Idea or a Feature Request. The best place for this is in our Ideas Lab. This way someone from WD will be sure to see it. However, I would search first and make sure that there isn’t another idea similar to yours that you could add your post to and vote on.

Ideas Lab

this is serious problem

and till now the WD mini Tv didnt resolve

the arabic subtitles

and even in the new frameware not yet supported

i see it takes more than 8month and the manifacturing company didnt make an effort tocomfort theusers from the middle east

they didnt want an interface for the programme in their language but they need only subtitle support for their language

and i think it will help to promote this devices in the middle and the subcontinintal too whereas arabic,persian,urdu are using the same letters

please i wish this request granted in the next update for the coming frameware
