[APP] SickRage various versions for firmware V4+ (02/2016)

You could try below, only if you have at least installed from my installer once:

#Stop the service.
service sickrage stop;

#Download the update.
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/SiCKRAGETV/SickRage/archive/v4.1.0.tar.gz;

#Extract the archive.
tar xf v4.*.tar.gz;

#Clear the current version.
rm -rf /opt/sickrage/*;

#Move the new version in place.
mv -f ./SickRage-4.*/* /opt/sickrage/>/dev/null 2>&1;

#Clean up.
rm -rf ./SickRage-4.* v4.*.tar.gz;

#Start back the service.
service sickrage start;
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I just hit the update button from the sickrage web ui and now sickrage seems to be dead. I tried restarting the service and rebooting the nas. Luckily I still have not started using sickrage yet so there is no worries for lost data. I know you said its safe to update this way so I wonder what happened?

so at this point should I reinstall using your installer again (like the first time i installed) or use the method you posted above in your last post? And as far as updates, is there a newer version of sickrage which can be installed directly using the above method?

I have attached a screenshot of the results that were produced when i tried to restart. Also note that I tried:
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/SiCKRAGETV/SickRage/archive/v4.1.0.tar.gz;
which game me another error message.

sorry for the ■■■■ quality. I’m working through a virtual remote desktop app to get access to mycould.

The version has already bumped to 6.0.xx, 6.0.30 currently. And this has lots of newer requirement dependencies some need to be compiled so the updater won’t work:

APScheduler babelfish backport-ipaddress backports-abc backports.ssl-match-hostname beautifulsoup4 bencode CacheControl certifi chardet click cryptography decorator dill docopt dogpile.cache dogpile.core enum34 enzyme feedparser FormEncode future futures gntp guessit hachoir-core hachoir-metadata hachoir-parser httplib2 html5lib idna ipaddress jsonrpclib lockfile Mako markdown2 MarkupSafe MultipartPostHandler oauth2 oauthlib pbr profilehooks py-unrar2 pycparser PyGithub pysrt python-dateutil python-fanart python-twitter pytz pyxdg PyYAML requests requests-oauthlib rtorrent-python Send2Trash simplejson singledispatch six SQLAlchemy sqlalchemy-migrate SQLObject sqlparse stevedore subliminal sympy Tempita tmdbsimple tornado tzlocal wheel xmltodict yarg python-daemon

The above list hasn’t taken into account for the rest of “optional” and SSL dependencies. Not only that, it’s now asking for GIT to be installed :-/ Yes can be seen from the logs and webUI! It’s no longer quite possible for normal MyCloud users to update manually on MyCloud because it requires build environment i.e. GCC etc. and a pain to compile on MyCloud just to update. ← my email reply to one of my donors asking about sickrage.

Actually I already got the v6.0.30 running on MyCloud v4, but I’ve disabled the updater and GIT usage because it won’t work. I’m still testing here and there because the author commit seems frequent, I’ll post it soon.

Alright sounds great! But for now which version should I install, and what’s the proper way to go about it?

Also any idea why the in-app update caused my version to stop working?

Thanks nazar

For now you could reinstall from my installer but don’t update. The update is not possible because of the newer dependencies.

For those who’s following this post, a new version has been added to the first post. Note that the package is quite large in this release and could take awhile to install. Also note that I’ve disabled the GIT usage for newer versions since it’s not usable on WDMyCloud. As promised to my donors, they will be the first to receive newer builds. I’ll make it public soon so stay tuned (-:

[20160124] Added SickRage v6.0.34-1 - Disabled GIT usage.

Am i the only one having a LOT of issues with the latest sickrage versions?

I found out that all the people that develop sickrage for the last 1,5 year have moved (around
mid November) to a new repository. Seems the dude that is still left at
the old one (after being gone for 1,5 year) is a not doing a very good job with the code to say it mildly.
And now it seems he has diapered completely…

I also have a Synology that i used to install that new repo, and behold all is working like it should.!
So that gets me wondering why not use that one, as the other is pretty broken? Personally i dont care about the politics/drama, just want a functioning and stable sickrage. :frowning:

This is that new repository SiCKRAGE · GitHub

Therein lies the beauty and the beast of open source software; free and sometimes great, but relying on the ability and commitment of volunteers.

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v6.0.34-1 is from the new repo :stuck_out_tongue:

Edited: I don’t follow their developments, I’m only helping to build for MyCloud. I now see there’s a newer repo. But I build it using python pip not git so whatever is on the pip repo goes here.

Cant agree more cpt_paranoia! :laughing:

Nazar78, no problem, i really appreciate your hard work. :+1:
It just got me wondering as that new fork/repo was working way better than the old organization on my Synology.
Although its a little confusing as the old one is called sickragetv and the the new just sickrage. (without the tv)

UPDATES: SickRage v6.0.34 for firmware V4 now released to public! More info from the top post. Enjoy (-:

awesome! Can it be installed over older versions? or is a purge required before install?

It will automatically purge the old version if any.

installed and running smoothly. Thanks Nazar.
This version’s interface is much quicker than the previous versions.

No problem, enjoy (-:

Hi Nazar,
Thanks for putting in the work you have on this.

I hope you can help with an issue I am having. I have a couple of problems with since the update to 6.0.34-1 I found that the NZB providers are not showing catagories on the configure custom newznab providers tab and also provider options are not available as ‘no provider configured’ even though an NZB provider has been added on the configure custom newznab providers tab.

Thank for any help with this


Im having trouble getting sickrage to connect with transmission. The test connection button reveals:
Error: Transmission Connection Error

I’m also getting
“No NZB/Torrent providers found or enabled in the sickrage config for daily searches. Please check your settings.”
in my logs even though i have a custom RSS provider listed.

i tried mounting my android smb share using the directions you gave me above.
I got mount point 0 does not exist

any thoughts?

Did you upgraded from v4 to v6? Think it’s advisable to remove your configs /root/.config/sickrage/ when upgrading.


Before using this with your existing database (sickrage.srConfig.db) please make a backup copy of it and delete any other database files such as cache.db and failed.db if present
We HIGHLY recommend starting out with no database files at all to make this a fresh start but the choice is at your own risk

I’m only helping to build this but have not used it actively. Maybe you can check with the developers. Anyway I saw there’s a newer build 7.0.22 which I will release soon if there’s no more updates.

See my reply to @MARK_GRIFFIN above.

You could have a bad entry in /etc/fstab. Check again cat /etc/fstab and make sure both share and path /mnt/android exists.

So then the best thing do do would be to stop sickrage and then remove the entire directory:

service sickrage stop
rm -r ~/.config/sickrage

then reinstall using your installer?
I’m guessing this should get me close to a fresh start, which I dont mind at this point. Restoring the database is not really an issue since they build themselves up. I just hope future updates will have a way to preserve the config settings.