Anyone tried shucking an easystore 18TB and replacing it in a My Cloud V2

I’ve got both 1st and 2nd gen 1-bay WD myCloud 3TB units. Recently just got a used WD180EDFZ (18TB) internal HDD from someone and attempted to clone from the installed 3TB WD Red NAS from the 1st gen unit.

I’m still in the process of looking at options, but because the 1-bay WD myCloud units are using a 32-bit Linux kernel (also the fact the hardware is ARMv7l which is a 32-bit CPU in itself), while it will recognise the drive no problem you will not be able to use a partition/filesystem larger than 16TB as the result of the following kernel log messages:

The devices out of the box also do not recognise the newer “64-bit” flag for ext4 partitions so there’s not much point going beyond 16TB for a single drive. I have yet to try splitting the partitions to compensate for this limitation but I was hoping to see if the custom clean debian firmware would work, but looks like this is a 32-bit Linux limitation.

Just reporting back on the 18TB, yes having a separate partition works still when using 32-bit Debian Linux for ARMv7L. It’s a bit of a pain to set up on the unit so it’s best done after using a virgin recovery image, then changing over to Clean Debian Jessie. I also opted to self-compile e2fsprogs to do the rest as well since the versions from the repos are a bit old.

I used this method to use two external USB drives (18 and 20 tb) with the mycloud single unit (8Tb) without files disappearing.
I wasn’t understanding why!
Thanks for the explanation of the 16 TB partition limit on 32 bits systems.