After a 4-second restart, I lost all important company data. Please help

Hello, I own a WD MyCloud EX4100, and since I forgot the password, I read on the website - How to Pin Reset and System Only Restore My Cloud OS 5 Devices that I can reset the admin password with a 4-second restart, which I successfully did. Unfortunately, I have lost all my important company data, or rather, it is not showing up. Could you please advise me on how to recover it? This is very important to me. Thank you very much for any advice :frowning:

I doubt the data is gone.

But all the user accounts and setup probably are. You basically have to treat this as a new unit. . .but a unit that has unassigned data shares.

You need to reset the admin account and all the user shares. . .you probably will need to reassign the new users to existing shares.

The problem is that in the shared folders section, there are no (old) folders visible, and itโ€™s also not possible to create new ones. Iโ€™m getting an error that says, 'No volume found.

The display shows 0 kB free.