Afpcmd broken?

I have a MyCloud PR4100 running OS 5.25.132 and am trying to use the afpcmd command from the command line. The trouble is, I cannot get it to do anything at all; it just does nothing and returns an exit code of 0 (zero) no matter what I pass it. According to online documentation, I should be able to pass it an AFP url (e.g., afp://user:password@server/path) and it will copy the file(s) to the current directory.

Does anyone know if it’s working for them?

It should be noted that WD has indicated the following:

Apple File Protocol (AFP) is no longer supported on My Cloud OS 5 firmware 5.19.197 and higher.

Further because of the custom nature of the My Cloud firmware certain Linux service commands may not work as expected (or at all).

You may want to see the dedicated subforum for your device where users more familiar with the Pro Series may be able to assist. This subforum (My Cloud) generally covers the single bay/single drive second generation OS5 firmware My Cloud device which may have fewer features/options/services than the OS5 multi bay My Cloud models.

My Cloud Pro Series