Æonish Hub ReV2 [WDTV LIVE HUB]

will try


Hi Joey i have always been a longtime fan of xbmc from back in the day when we actually ran it on an modified xbox 1 LOL

However it still takes a genius to write the Hubs theme to replicate the original looks of Aeon so well, as i know better than most just how difficult it is and that you have not used/copied any of the original elements in other to achieve your look…Your Theme has been written bottom up so to speak.

When i discovered the moviesheet trick i certainly had no idea it could be pushed as far as you have done especially as we both know the limations which we encounter with the current firmware of the Hub.

PS i have always liked Team Blackbolts stuff, but i have been using Transparency! recently on my xbmc setup

THIS looks amazing - That’s really the kind of look I wanted for the hub!

Sad to say that I’m still a bloody rookie in setting up custom themes, but for this one I’ll try to… and annoy you guys with rookie questions :wink:

Hi Joey,

Is it possible for you to include the games option in the main menu homepage?

for the new fw

for people who want to have the Game access in the menu

just add

<button valkey=“RV_HOME_MENU_GAMES”
           name=" "

at the end of the “inc_rv_home_menu_node.xml” like this :


    <button valkey=“RV_HOME_MENU_NOW_PLAYING”
            name=" "    
    <button valkey=“RV_HOME_MENU_GAMES”
           name=" "

of course, you need to create the png file with the Joey Gimp pack

I spent some time last night doing some modifications to hubcorn theme at someones request(will post later)  did some photoshopping cause his Services button was spelled wrong. don have his PS files to create a new Games button there. did Joey provide us with his PS/GIMP files? io it would be easy to make one.

Now question is, if you add the code and the image and are NOT using the new firmware, will it just skip the code or will it throw errors and reboots at you?

Hello I want to use your Theme , higly appreciate if you send me the link


the gimp pack is here :


post 81


Can’t get the project files, says I’m already downloading… ?

Anyone want to test these " Games" images with the code?

I dont have the latest Firmware installed.


I absolutely love the work you have done so far with the appearance of the Hub, and thus I am eagerly awaiting for your release of this theme in its entirety.  Do you have an estimated timeframe for doing that? Please let me know!

Regards and many thanks,


drizzt09 wrote:

Anyone want to test these " Games" images with the code?


I dont have the latest Firmware installed.

I installed my own french translated pictures

it works :slight_smile:

I’ve been waiting in extreme anticipation too!!

Joey - I know your a busy fella, but is there any beta version available, that you would be happy to perhaps release soon?


These are the files for ‘Games’


Mod looks a little different now, still a bit of work to be done.

It’s a very time consuming process, your patience and understanding is appreciated.


EDIT: Spent a few hours with the List View with Genres/Runtime … no go :frowning:

Would have to completely redo the entire mod & music list far too much manual processing.


I will focus on what’s already done and upload a beta when happy with the look.

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Joey, that’s some cool stuff!!!

now that i have some free time, i will try these stuff.

Joey could you please upload an example and the file structure (I mean an example of all files need to get Movie Sheet and backdrops of a single movie to get working)? I have all files about a movie in a single folder with the same name as the movie. The Movie Sheets works fine but I can’t get the backdrops on background working, it always show the same background as the home screen.

(Sorry about my English)

I’m not surprised.

The backdrops don’t work with moviesheets. Only way you can get backdrops is from the Hubs xml file, but it wont show up same time as the Moviesheet.

He looks like he has it working here, but its not released yet.

Thanks for update Joey!

Hey WDTV the backdrops CAN work with moviesheets!!

Something i’m working on at mo. slow progress though

in the gallery xml just add the green text and i should work:

<?xml version=“1.0”?>

<page background=“./image/RV-BG.jpg”>

<image image=“image/keyboard_mask_bg.png” x=“0” y=“0” w=“1280” h=“720” bg=“1” disable=“@@disable-thumbnail-bg”/>

<image image=“@@preview_rect_image” default_image=“@@default_preview_rect_image” x=“0” y=“0” w=“1280” h=“720” textcolor=“@@preview_rect_color” keycolor=“1” ignore_keycolor=“1” bg=“1”/>

<image image=“image/Gallery/video_browse_gallery_overlay.png” x=“0” y=“0” w=“1280” h=“720” bg=“1”/>