Aenean Verius

Morbi nisi massa, dignissim at consequat at, hendrerit vitae arcu. Cras non scelerisque tortor, sed sodales metus. Nunc sed euismod metus, eu pellentesque tellus. Nulla condimentum mauris at varius convallis. Aliquam volutpat diam vitae nibh cursus condimentum.


I haven’t experience this before. Let’s see if any of the users can share some information about it.

I can’t explain why the Raw field is blank, but the Current and Worst values are normalised values, not actual temperatures.

A normalised value of 100 would correspond to some baseline, say 50 degC. If the temperature is lower than this, then the Current normalised value would be higher by a corresponding amount, and vice versa. This means that one would interpret the Current value as a health score, with lower temperatures being healthier (and scoring higher).

For example, if the actual temperature were 30 degC, then the Current value would be 120 (= 150 - 30). Alternatively, if the temperature were 60 degC, then the Current value would be 90 (= 150 - 60).