Accessing files from Macbook, Iphone etc

I installed My Cloud Home device this morning and am absolutely frustrated. I want to use it for Time machine backup but also to share files among different Apple devices.
When I open MyCloud-XXXX in Locations on my Mac I see 2 folders: Public and TimeMachineBackup. There is no possibility to create a new folder on this level so I created one under Public. There I am connected as Guest. Have no idea what account can be used to connect as “registered user”. Tried with my Mac’s username/password and with username/password, neither works.

When opening app on my iPhone I do not see the folder created on Mac. When I created folder there I do not see it in Finder on the Mac.

Tried to follow UserManual’s instructions to get Desktop App but in the app on mobile device there is no " Get desktop app." option.

Please help!

Also, can somebody tell me where does My Cloud Home sit - on the device I installed or somewhere on the Internet? The same for logging in - user name and password are stored on the local device or somewhere on the web?

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For those who do not wish to read the instruction (KBA), all you have to do is watch the videos in the pinned thread on the shorts produced by WD, they even made it especially for macOS owners…

[Our newest video!] How To: Access the My Cloud Home Dashboard using your hostname (macOS) | Western Digital Support

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Thank you for the video. It did not show up in any my my searches.

Of course that was the first thing to do. What I get is irrelevant. Take a look