4TB My Cloud gets 1~MB/s transfer rates all files

I picked up a 4 TB drive to replace a failing USB drive. it started out running around 80 MB/s not bad but it has slowly gotten worse. i have a 24 port Gb switch and several computers Mac/Windows/Linux and a vmware server running some servers. all run through this switch. i have replaced cables tried stopping services on the My Cloud it self. Also tried (though i know better) messing with the UPNP service on a couple of the windows clients and servers (windows 7 and 8.1 and server 2008 r2, 2012 r2 ). the web interface seems fine, it responds in a reasonable amount of time. i changed the twonky setting for re-scan to 0 and change the scan folder to one with a few pictures then unchecked that setting all together. i can transfer files from my Mac to my PC and back at 100 MB/s and between my virtual servers at 160~ MB/s. and virtual to my physical at around 110 MB/s. i am currently using about half of the available storage.

Hello neuroreaction, welcome to the WD Community. Try connecting the My Cloud directly to the PC and verify if the same problem happens. You can also try running a test form the My Cloud dashboard. 

Have you updated your firmware recently? If so, have you tried a “System Only Reset”?

well, i am not sure what fixed it. 

i unplugged the My Cloud and moved it to the PC and plugged it in.

the result was copy from at 112MB/s and write to at 80~MB/s.

all changes that were made.

well, i am not sure what fixed it. 

i unplugged the My Cloud and moved it to the PC and plugged it in.

the result was copy from at 112MB/s and write to at 80~MB/s.

all changes that were made.

i did not stop the services on the device this time (they restart when it is rebooted) 

i did leave twonky in the same state of 0 rescan and the folder with the limited number of pictures. 

i used a 1 meter cat6a cable instead of the cable that came with the device. 

since moved it to the PC the device needed to be shutdown. 

it already has a static IP as did the PC 

i was suprised to see i didnt need a cross over cable to do this… 

when i put it back after the test i used the 1 meter cat6a cable and am still getting the speeds mentioned above.

i will update if the performance degrades again.