2nd Backup

I currently back up all my photos to my passport ultra but I am looking at getting an extra back up device. If I got another ultra would i just need to plug in as normal and save files or would the software get confused due to 2 devices?


The software will see the second drive as a different unit and you will be able to perform a secondary backup

Would it be the same process. Plug in and away to go?

Yes, You won’t need to install the a software since it’s already installed on the computer.

800-SPPT told me running (2) WD Drives SIMULTANEOUSLY is not recommended and/or may cause Conflicts.

If he has one drive ENABLED for Continuous backup and “Schedules” a Photo backup on the 2nd Drive, or Copy-Pastes, I can see that’s a different resource demand.

Can you Clarify WHEN the use of (2) Drives is NOT advised?
