12TB My Book needs password every time, but not others

I have MyBooks connected to my Windows 11 desktop PC. 3TB, 8TB, 12TB and 16TB All have different passwords set and the same settings, including sleep after 30 mins. However I find the 12TB ones (only) after sleeping need the password to access. The other 3 sizes are happy to sleep and reawaken when accessed without needing to reinput the password. Is there something particular about 12TB or hopefully a setting somewhere I can tweak?

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Hi @rodentred ,

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

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Nice Post

FWIW I never did resolve this. WD support couldn’t help and wanted to fully examine my system and get everything reinstalled which I didn’t have the time or inclination to do. I did reinstall the WD software and reset the passwords to no avail. Behaviour of the individual drives has now changed for some reason but it is not even clear to me what is supposed to happen - option 1 the drive remains unlocked when connected to running computer, option 2 the drive locks but WD security retains the password for unlocking, or option 3 the system needs the password retyping. I think option 2 is the way they want it but they wouldn’t say.
It is particularly annoying with more than one drive of the same size as you have to unlock them all to find the one you want as WD Security doesn’t show the drive name. So if you leave the computer alone for more than 30mins you have to unlock everything. It clearly has not been designed for users like myself.

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