I am pulling BLACK MAMBA

BigRoo wrote:

Hi DeV,


Just wanted to say thanks for the awesome Theme. Best ive seen !!

Ive got the SMP and i was having issues with getting it to work on mine. 

A member here “Ritaben” was kind enough to help me out with uploading the right files. I got it working today.

I havent worked out how to get the movie sheets displaying as yet. The DVD thumbnail covers display along with the screen shots but my movie sheets are non existent at thsi stage.


But anyway i know you dont know anything about the SMP but just wanted to pass on my thanks.   I did notice on the dashboard that the “File Explorer” tab changes to “File Browser” when selected - not sure if thats been brought up before.  


Thanx a lot BigRoo :slight_smile:

I named it File Browser because it is not really an explorer with trees and such :slight_smile:

I can’t tell you about movie sheets but when the theme is running on your device the movie sheets should too. …again i am guestemating, put my demo folder on your device and see what it does for you.  If it doesn’t work maybe there is another way to trigger the backdrops, from what I understood is that it worked for others. I am sure there is a forum that has better infos than I have for the SMP.

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