How does WD recognize TV Show? Firmware Version 3.00.28

i should be happy that it now support but its show annoying it just can’t handle a nicely formatted filename :frowning:

my episode are named

Once Upon a Time - [01x02] - The Thing you love most.avi

yet files like this wont scrape. I would love to see some sort template format adding… eg…

$SN = Series Name

$S = Season number (leading zero)

$E = Episode number (leading zero)

$T = Title 

so i could then enter

$SN - [$Sx$E] - $T

now we can all have our own file format and WD can know where to look to pass to the scraper.

yeah, i know… they can’t fix the PNG issue for year+ so no chance this will happen… I just hate having the filename

in the 
