WDTV Live firmware update - warning!

Same here,bricked!!!

What an absolute disgrace, returning it for a full refund, never again will I purchase WD and will encourage busines associates, friends and familty to do same.

Hopefully JB will take back!!!

I have a feeling the software is developed by anouther company alppha networks maybe ???

and these things are made in china and branded for WD and by the way I have repaired many many pc’s killed by microsofts updates

If anyone returns successfully to JBHI Fi in Sydney please post. Mine was a gift and I don’t have receipt. Only 2 weeks old!!!

The difference is microsoft update do not touch your hardware (firmware) it will install driver yes but they are not allowed to flash the firmware of your hardware.

the problem with the WDTV it’s like if after the bad flash… it has no more brain…

WD you better come up with a new brain !!!

JB only exchanged for another unit, bleep!!!

Now the question is do I have enough faith to update???

Not a chance, I will contact WD first up Monday and demmand a full refund.

Yes on the pc that is correct but I did have a xbox 360 bricked by a microsoft update i have three witch iam replacing with these. the older xbox 360 I have only has 128 megs or so ram and the new dashboard upate that added netflix killed it . It freezes in 2 min unless i get to a movie file and play it it will play the whole movie but as soon as I exit to the

dashboard it freezes up

microsoft said to bad

I paid like $400 for that thing a year and half ago

has anyone tried hiting the reset button with the usb drive in

If I would have the chance to return my unit I would do it… I would even Exchange it for a competitor.

I don’t recommanded people to get a replacement, only refund or exchange for another brand ! WD has to learn from their error and specially when they don’t fully care for customer ! I’Ve been told on the phone that I have to pay to send the unit + it could take up to a month.

sorry for asking so many questions for some reason when it asked to do that update i said no so mine is fine I could be one of you right now and Iam just tring to help

thats crazy they broke it they need to fix it  id go buy anouther one and return that one in its box and let the retailer and wd figure it out but thats just if they told me that

they need to overnight you a new one

on the other hand the net gear eva 2000 is not bad if you dont need 1080p I took one back to exchange for the wd at BB its $20 cheaper too

this is my second plan if they can’t fix it.

But the problem is I’ve look at 4 BB :frowning: and it is sold out everywhere.

I will go back tomorrow in case if they got some.

But the other thing is I hope they don’t print the Serial Number on the invoice…

heres a long shot but maybe the os is still running in the background but not looking for an update

so I did a factory reset on my working unit mines not bricked and and went through the menue to get to the update page

so if you want to try I would make sure the network is connected and the thumb drive is in

here is the sequence

arrow up one time, then enter

arrow up one time, then enter

arrow down 8 times,then enter

then enter again

  I would think if it finds the update you wont know so after a min. you would probly need to arrow right one time and then hit enter again

and then sit back and wait and hope i would give it some time at least 20 min

go to ther site online to see if they have them in stock

I asked the guy there and he showed me the old wdtv so I bought the netgear I went online the next day and they had them in stock so I drove 40 miles the guy there was clueless so I looked around my self and **bleep** on the bottom shelf on the right behind where i got th other one all of them had dust on the box              edit        This bleep thing is a joke there where like 10 of them starting to see why their updats dont work

wdliveddt wrote:

has anyone tried hiting the reset button with the usb drive in

Yes. Does not help.

Same problem here… Come on WD… Make it to WORK…

Im also having the same problem. If anybody finds a fix, PLEASE let me know :wink:

Well, I just brought mine back and received a new one in exchange.
I updated to 1.00.11 and everything is ok so far… waiting for some answers from WD and maybe a new and stable firmware.

sp3kt3r:  They wanted me (and other) to pay th.e sh.ipp.ing also.  They gave in when i told them i wasnt willing because their “critical update” bricked it and that i wanted to speak with a manager.

Edit:  added some “.” to trick the stupid auto censor.  It seems to delete stuff for no reason.

Travis762 : do you live in Canada ? I heard that canadian people don’t have choice, they have to pay shipping,

No, Im in the US.  They emailed me some UPS label that I have to print out.  That seriously ■■■■■ if they are expecting you to pay…