Wdbctl0020hwt + WD Green WD10EZRX

I did briefly wonder that, too, but I assumed the OP had a dead drive, and was trying to use a disk to get it doing something, or was experimenting prior to buying a larger drive…

The instructions must have come from here:


Which I think may be fox_exe’s instructions and image*

Interestingly, google doesn’t find the document on google drive…

* [edit] yes, they are: found here:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_6OlQ_H0PxVejVic2ZubXBfbHM/view?pli=1

From this thread: http://community.wd.com/t5/WD-My-Cloud/Rebuild-your-My-Cloud-or-upgrade-the-HDD-on-it/td-p/675109/page/3