WD SmartWare Update has messed up my Windows Shortcut Menus

II installed an update for WD Smartware this morning but since then (it prompted me to Instal then Set Up) every time I right-click on an icon or item in Windows instead of the expected pop-up shortcut menu appearing, a WDContextMenuHandler message appears; “Failed to load locale file - C:\Program Files\Western Digital\WD SmartWare\Locale\WD Smartware.tmx”. This is seriously annoying. Worse still, the same thing happens when I launch a programme (eg Word)- same message, have to cancel the pop-up 4 or five times before program will launch.

I think I’m going to rip out all my WD devices and burn them ceremoniously on the lawn this afternoon!


Just for troubleshooting purposes can you uninstall WD Smartware to verify if the issue remains?

I am having the same problems last two days.

After installing the update did you restart your computer to complete the installation?

I installed the update and I haven’t had any problems.

I have Windows 7 SP1.

Posted by,
cat0w (USA)