Uninstall Plex App

Hi everyone

I am new to the forums. I got a new MyCloud Mirror 6tb a week ago to keep my files and also use it as a plex server for my samsung TV.
I face a problem with the subtitles when using opensubtitles.org. Everything was working fine, my subs downloaded automatically until last night. I had to refresh my library because of some new entries and all the subs were gone.
Anyway the main issue that I discovered is when you uninstall plex from MyCloud control panel doesn’t remove metadata and settings, so I cannot fully reset the app. Is there a way to delete all the plex data without formatting the volume?
Thank you

Hi there and welcome to the WD community.

Have you tried to do a System only restore on the unit? Here is a link that might help you with this process:


Thank you for your reply.
Yes, I tried a system restore and also tried the reset button on the back of the device with no luck.
All the metadata as well as the configuration settings of plex app are written in a hidden folder on the hard disk drives, I believe. And when you do a restoration, the HDD remains untouched. So the only way must be using the ssh to find the hidden folder and remove it. I just don’t know how to do it…

Not sure if it’s the same on the Mirror (I have it installed on a DL4100) but it’s 

rm -Rf /mnt/HD/HD_a2/plex_conf

Just checked on my MCM, and it’s in the same place as Tony gives above.

As a general point, the phpMyAdmin app does the same kind of thing - if you install it and set it up, then uninstall and reinstall it the previous settings are kept across the uninstall/reinstall. This seems to be a “feature” of how the WD set-up works.

Thanks Tony and Darren!
The command worked. Now plex works fine again.


may I ask how much files do you have and how long last the scan?

read more about my problem.


I’ve installed Plex and ran into trouble. It constantly updated for 24 hours so I powered down my Mycloud (4TB)

Now I have the Plex App but I get a ‘Safari canot connect to server’ error when I try to load.

I tried an uninsltall and reinstall but Plex will still not load.

Can you advise what you did to run the command that worked for you ?


Firstly check the plex app is enabled, not just installed (go to the app list, select the Plex app and ensure the enabled switch is ON). If it is, then I’d recommend uninstalling it, wiping the left-over details of it out via SSH as detailed above, then try again.

To be honest though I’ve completely removed it again as the MCM hardware isn’t really up to the job except for very basic serving stuff, and I have a different set-up in general operation (Kodi running on a Pi pulling media via NFS from the MCM, with the MCM also hosting the SQL metadata database) so I don’t need Plex at all anyway.

livi2jayz wrote:

I’ve installed Plex and ran into trouble. It constantly updated for 24 hours so I powered down my Mycloud (4TB)



forget it, PLEX is only a marketing Gag for WD. Yes it runs on Cloud Devices, but NO there is absolutely no usability.

I have 120.000 MP3, after 7x24h it wasn’t ready and during that time, you can’t use the NAS function. Also my first drive (EX4) has lost 500MB of space during the scanning. During scanning it was smelling like burning circiut board.

BTW during scan, I have had disabled the scan for .wdmc and USB Camera support AND Twonky, otherwise nothing goes on

As already suggested use the NAS and Cloud and for more take a RasPi 2 or even better, take a ASROCK QC-5000 iTX with 15W Quadcore CPU and HDMI 4K Output, Toslink digital audio and a chenbro sr30169 case.
That is a powerfull Server and you can use TONIDO and PLEX and all the good stuff together.

Thanks for your help folks. Will just uninstall.

Thought it was  going to be a coolway to get my NAS content on TV as well (As suggested by the WD email I got)
