Theme: GoodBye Black Mamba (LinkSheet) Updated Dec 14th

i followed the guide including with te themf or making moviesheets. my issue at the moment is the settings you need to set in OPTIONS menu of thumbgen. i ddint see anything there mentioned about that.

when im done generating the moviesheet. tehres teh 1 images but not the .xml file

also the preview for the movie sheet the wordsletters seemed to be offcentred like the movie length swwemed too big and didnt fit.

is there anythign i need to change in thunbgen aswell for the theme?

heres a picture to show what im talkign about for the text not being aligned and stuff

@LordSpawn, you shouldn’t generate any .xml that is the whole point of using the LinkSheet method information isn’t routed through the .xml its routed throught the name of your files.  You may want to try the Final moviesheet, it is a lot less cluttered.  Also your fonts don’t seem to be right.  Did you install the ones that came with the template?

@prophet_ca  nice job on the pdf, when I get time to mess with it I will report back. And yes LordSpawn the linksheet is the way to go, way faster than xml deal.

thanks to DeVicious and a lot of others input, the Hub looks awesome. Pimped my media player LOL!

LordSpawn wrote:

i followed the guide including with te themf or making moviesheets. my issue at the moment is the settings you need to set in OPTIONS menu of thumbgen. i ddint see anything there mentioned about that.


when im done generating the moviesheet. tehres teh 1 images but not the .xml file


also the preview for the movie sheet the wordsletters seemed to be offcentred like the movie length swwemed too big and didnt fit.


is there anythign i need to change in thunbgen aswell for the theme?


heres a picture to show what im talkign about for the text not being aligned and stuff

first of all your xml question is answered in the first post of this thread and there is a Link Sheet Manual which is just 1 page long which ansers the question as well, the firmware question is also answered in the first post. I am not going to explain that again :slight_smile:

I see you have used the outdated version of the sheets, if you also want to use the outdate version of MovieSheets including xml file for a slower display with 3-5 seconds delay then go into ThhumbGen options / general tab and check the box that says “movie information” on the right hand side, unless you are using an SMP there should be no good reason for that :slight_smile:

Messed up MovieSheets

your fonts are wrong and set to 125% in your Windows settings… seems your system has prevented the installation of the required fonts,

you need to go into your Windows settings Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization\Display

and bring your fonts back to 100% they are currently at 125% that’s why your sheets look so messed up.Alternatively you can set down the size in the templates by 25% if you know how to do that.

After that you need to install the proper fonts on your system, they should be at
ThumbGen\Templates\Black Mamba Final\Black Mamba Final Movie Sheets by DeVicious\Common\Fonts

or similar, after that it will work fine

if you also want to use the outdate version of MovieSheets including xml file for a slower display with 3-5 seconds delay then go into ThhumbGen options / general tab and check the box that says “movie information” on the right hand side, unless you are using an SMP there should be no good reason for that :slight_smile:


it is possible to set up a system for using linksheets and media library

I’m unable to notice any difference in speed

just did some initial testing and set up my dad’s 2 boxes this way over the holiday

plan on doing more testing soon, then, I’ll post my findings

media library sort/search functions can be very usefull, and in some setups absolutely necessary

so far, it requires both some edits in the theme xml’s and some edits in the movie xml’s

basically remove items from both sets of xml’s that really slow things down

leaving only what’s needed for media library and linksheets to function

some new thumbgen options would be useful as well, maybe for thumbgen 2.0

“…leaving only what’s needed for media library and linksheets to function …”

wow :dizzy_face::dizzy_face:,  KAD79 that sounds very interesting, speed even with libary on  !

From you and we already have received our X-MAS presents with the homebrew for our machines …:wink:

I am really looking forward to next year’s artworks and already enjoying the power you give to our community - thank you. 

KAD79 wrote:

if you also want to use the outdate version of MovieSheets including xml file for a slower display with 3-5 seconds delay then go into ThhumbGen options / general tab and check the box that says “movie information” on the right hand side, unless you are using an SMP there should be no good reason for that :slight_smile:



media library sort/search functions can be very usefull, and in some setups absolutely necessary

so far, it requires both some edits in the theme xml’s and some edits in the movie xml’s

basically remove items from both sets of xml’s that really slow things down

leaving only what’s needed for media library and linksheets to function


some new thumbgen options would be useful as well, maybe for thumbgen 2.0

I am sure TG will be happy to satisfy those needs until then editing every single xml can not be an option, but it’s totally awesome that you are working  on a solution. They sent you straight from heaven didn’t they? :laughing:

For me the library had exactly 1 advantage and 20 disadvantages. The one advantage was to show the actual titles instead of the file names. This became obsolete when i removed the title bar in the Gallery View for me and I never listened Music on the hub because I stream it through a 3rd party software directly to my TV/Receiver from my phone or iPad from a library that I actually like and spent 1000’s of geek hours on rating every single track and creating playlists for cars and living room situations :slight_smile:

The library at WD is at beta at best, and while i think the YouTube function is a good idea, there are so many work arounds from the community that people can even use it, I have located the library as the root of all evil on my device.

I have 2 external drives, none of them would be properly added to the hub without a device restart, Somehow it just reads the first level of folders but not the contents inside of them. I tested this with all sorts of drives including the WD Element drives and no matter what it always requires a restart once the external drives been powered off. Restarting the device with 2 external drives + library is a 5 minutes job. Without the library they just work and none of the above is a problem for me. I am using my hub for movies and my externals for TV Shows, i have never been in need of a sorting function or that I could not remember a movie. I will always remember “i, Robot” = GOOD “New Resident Evil” = worst piece of S§$%& ever" i keep the good ones and delete the bad ones and since all are in HD i won’t be able to have more than 130 movies at the same time anyways. New ones are in an assorted New Movie folder and the ones I have seen go to the bin or a genre folder. I want to see TED i go to Comedy… and watch it. I want to see Star Wars… i go to the Sci-Fi folder… I want to see Green Lantern… i should ask myself “WHY?”
I guess it is just how I am. When I have seen a movie my brain is the best functioning library in the world. I also never went through my files and asked myself what I want to see… I always know which movie I want to see before i power on my device.

Long story short, the library has caused me way too many problems that the few advantages weight up for the problems. In my eyes as a developer and user the library is a malfunction, it is alienating and I know for a fact that people have returned their device because of it. Sorting TV Shows by episode name and not by episode number is possibly the most dumbfaced thing a coder has ever released (and not corrected in 2 years), adding it’s own TV Show filter as a work around for this malfunction instead of making the library more flexible and logical is like taking a bike for swimming and a wet suit for the sauna.  It’s not user friendly and they keep messing the the TV System and make it worse with every new release, like storing backdrops locally (record 53 backdrops for 1 episode… 11 MB)
It’s like they are sitting there and think…

“What do users like?”

  “oh i know… they like switching library functions and they want you to eat up disk space”

“so lets save the top 4 favorite fan arts per episode?”

“No all of them!!!”

“you are so generous”

“oh look how nice it looks when you sort 200 episodes by their name”

  “yes let’s do that and make sure that each title gets the whole TV Show Name, Season, Episode and Actual Episode name in the title tag” 

“Two and a Half Men S06 - E10 He Smelled the Ham, He Got Excited”

 “oh wow brilliant it’s almost like a book”

" awesome in the list view all you can read is Two and a Half Men S"

“yeah man… it’s like a guessing game”

“why guessing they already know it’s Two and a Half Men”

That must be how conversations go… and it is not meant to be funny at all… it is how they must think and that is really sad.

ok so i fixed the font size in windoes display settings u were right it was 125%

ok i noticed in that pic i was indeed using the wrong profile was using v4 instead fo final    though after that i changed it.

also in the options menu for the movie sheet for mains says black mamba final :extra: black mamba v4 movie covers   spare:" Default ThunbGen Template" is spare sheet supposed to use the default setting?


as for fonts itself this is the directory (changed name to John Doe)


C:\Users\John Doe\Desktop\ThumbGen\Templates\Black Mamba Final\Black Mamba Final Movie Sheets by DeVicious\Common\Fonts


theres 2 fonts in it




so it seems the fonts are there. i installed both them just incase


heres an updated picture of me making a sheet for Dredd 3D seems much better. Not sure if te font looks correct now but looks ok to me


1 last question for movies how do i put them on do i need a seperate foolder for each movie? do they all need to be in 1 folder named Movies?


Atm i have each movie each in its own folder. do i have to move every single movie out or can ti till work this way if so how do i place the 2 files for the mvoie sheet?


1 more question it says in guide to put theme into “.wd_tv\theme” do i just need to do this on the internal hard drive of the HU B or do i need to do this also for my external hard drive attached to the wd live hub

guide says to rename the movie sheets to same name of movie file and copy to root of theme folder. if the theme folder in internal hard drive and the movie is on external hard drive does it matter?


 as for movies all the movies  ABSOLUTELY have to all be in 1 folder i cant have a fodler for each movie?

sheets looks good now

it doesn’t matter where you have your movies are located, it doesn’t matter for the theme but having each one in its seperate folder really defeats the purpose of the whole process, why you you want to open a folder first before you can actually see the movie sheet? If anything makes sense then to create genre folders and dump everything into the corresponding genre, everything else you can do if you want but don’t tell me about it because it makes me cry inside :laughing:

the linksheet process is explained absolutely fine and your question is not making much sense since you don’t have a theme folder on your external hard drives :-)))

the sheets go into …theme\GoodBye Black Mamba by DeVicious

make sure you name them right… the dredd,jpg becomes a dredd.mp4 or dredd.mpg (same extension as the movie file)

i cant have a fodler for each movie?

yes you can but, I agree with Dev on this one, what for??> Genre folders would make sense> and moviesheets for folders, linksheets can do that, but do you really want to create another X number of sheets for each folder

ok i understand all that now thank you.

im going through thunbgen to create the moveisheets and alot of movies are a pain in the **bleep** lol like

Category 6 - Day Of Destruction (2004) thubgem doesnt reckognise the - and u cant put a : in file name so thunbgen doesnt recgonise the movie lol i guess trying to rename them would work but might aswell do that in thumbgen

thanks for the help.

my last and final confusion is dong the TV shows movie sheets when organised by season mode (I.E. “Vampire Diaries/Season 1”)

ok i did a test run with Transporter the series and the moviesheets for episodes and episode icons are perfect just the folder icons dont work.


  1. now theres no moviesheet for the series folder and season folders (when i highlight the transporter folder in root foldeir of shows doesnt show anythign above the icons when u put cursor on transporter)

  2. the folder icons dont work. do i keep the Series name folder icon in the series name folder and just remove the extension and for each season keep it in season and remove the extension?

i.e “K:/Transporter/Transporter”

and “K:/Transporter/Season 1/Season 1”

? (Red being the renamed without extention thunbnail)

thanks again

Are you using the “Black Mamba Folder Sheets by Devicious” profile?  If you choose that profile, and then select one episode, it will generate a folder sheet… Just then name that folder sheet to the exact name of the folder like you specify below.

One thought though is that you dont want to name your folder “Season 1” because you will end up with many folders of the same name for every new tv series.

I would go with

Transporter/Transporter Season 1

Transporter/Transporter Season 2


Then you will avoid that problem. Generate your folder sheet with the correct profile as above, rename it to the exact name of the folder (no extension) and copy to the root of the theme just like the movie and tv sheets.

good luck


folder icons = folder.jpg

There is a thumbgen profile for season and series covers, the output is a folder.jpg for the season and the series and it should end up in the corresponding folder, nothing else has to be done unless you have a funny folder structure or don’t generate your covers directly on your media drive. The folder.jpg for the series goes into the series root folder and the season folder.jpg goes into the corresponding season folder.

If you create sheets for a series, there is a profile for that, kill the extension from the file

If you intend to create season sheets then each season folder must have a unique name because they all end up in the root folder of the theme and 2 different things cannot have the same name.

From here you gotta fly yourself because the info you need is in the manuals or this thread :smiley:

pearl you beat me to it :slight_smile:


looks like i got everything working perfectly now for Tv show sheets makes total sense now thanks for spending so much time helping me to get this to work.

the only frustrating thing is how inredobly slow is because i have the access the internal storage of teh WD live hub through network.

but the time is so worth it.

LordSpawn wrote:


but the time is so worth it.

Yes my friend, that it is. Once you have your HUB setup they way you want it to look, with linksheets for your movies and tv and folders, along with sweet genre  icons, you have taken a sterile box and turned it into a thing of beauty. I am constantly amazed at how good my HUB looks with Devs theme and all my movies and tv series with sheets and music with embedded CD covers. Once I could do movie series sheets/backdrops, that was the final thing that I needed, and I dont even use a template for that, I just make them in photoshop. It does take a lot of time depending on how much media you have, but when you are done, you know it was worth every second of effort.


oh 1 quickie this picture here for the differnet view for movies that dev posted is that autio included in the theme?

also what moviehseet did u use for the movie root folder? (x:/Movies/…) do you have yours seperasted in genred or just 1 folder and just a custom made backdrop

A)Yes, that is one of the views available witht the theme. You can click through the various views using the yelllow button on the remote

B) A few ways to do that.

1)If you wish to use Thumbgen, choose the “folder sheet” profile, just pick a random TV show and use semi automatic mode. When it generates the sheet, hav it stop, and then use the “load a backdrop from disk” option to import a  picture you would like ot use.  Once imported and you have that picture as an option, choose “F1” and it will make that the backdrop. Next alter the “Title” and “Overview” fields which are the ony ones that the folder profile uses. Save the data and generate your file. It will look similar to your other TV folder backdrops/sheets if you have been using the same profile.

  1. My prefered method. Make your own backdrop using photoshop, gimp etc. that is 1280x720 and then name it the exact name of your folder without the extenstion. Drop it in the root of the theme as always and then you will have a custom sheet for “movies” that is your own. I have just started playing around with graphics stuff so it doesn’t look the way the themers here have their stuff, but here are examples of the backdrop sheets I made for movies and TV shows. They are just jpgs at the above sizing spec. If you have any type of image editor, you can just whip up your own for your main pages using photos  and art from the the net, and have something custom. They’ll only as good as your skills with the editor (and mine are pretty weak), but they will truly be customized and be your own which to me is cool.


ok thanks.

this is not that important but for some reaosn when im making moviesheets/series and season covers for ym TV shows which are on internal hard drive  its extremly slow processing each one.

yes i have really good internet is there any settings i need to chagne in thunbgen or my internet router settings to make it go faster?

i use the WD Link program to make it a drive for Thunbgen to recognise.

what program did u use to access the internal hard drive with thumbgen?

LordSpawn wrote:


what program did u use to access the internal hard drive with thumbgen?



I don’t. I only have music / podcasts on the hard drive of my HUB. All of my video is hosted on other other computers on my network. Thus I can rip DVDs or record TV on those machines, run Thumbgen on them hitting the video on the local machine. My HUB attaches to those directories/drives as network shares to run the video. I prefer to have my media on external drives attached to computers as it is very easy to work with the files and I can move the drives between machines, and I can attach them directly into the HUB if I am on vacation and just take the hub and a a few external drives with me. 

I have read here about people having issues with streaming to the HUB but I have not had that problem. Note that all of the computers that are hosting video, as well as my HUB are hard wired and I have them on the same switch. I do have  a bunch of wifi devices that run video from the host computers, but they do not serve the hub in any way. I was fortunate to be able to have the HUB, the LivePlus, the File Servers and the my PlayOn server wired directly with cat cabling which may be the reason I have not had any problem with stuttering etc when streaming video to the HUB. IF you are going over WiFi to do this, there are others on the board who can answer issues on this better than I.

I guess it is all about personal preference, how many computers you have, and how your network is set up. For me it is easier to have the drives not attached to the HUB, and the internal 1TB drive is too small to hold my video anyways. I just filled it with ripped CDs and pocasts instead.

As for WDLINK, I have had to use that in the past,but recently (perhaps due to firmware revisions) I have found that all my devices (multiple Windows computers running win7 or Vista, a WD Live Plus, as well as  IOS and Android devices) all seem to find the hub and connect without issue, thus no need for the WD Link software anymore.

Long story short (far too late for that though…) I don’t use Thumbgen to attach to the drive on the HUB.


Good luck
