Surreal Media Center 2.2 SMP Theme [Update]

THis is a great theme! I’m trying to log in to my IP address through Chrome and it can"t find it.  Would anyone know why its not finding my IP address. I know it is correct.



I had a similar problem (I own two WDTV Live SMPs) and noticed the IP address changed on the media player.

  1. On the home screen, goto Setup, then Network Settings, then Network Setup and check your IP address (Just checked mine and it changed again!).

  2. If you’re unable to reach the WDTV log in page using the WDTV IP address using Chrome browser, then try another browser like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, etc…

For the life of me I cannot get a moviesheet to work with this theme and I’ve tried everything mentioned here as well as gone through the thumbgen guide numerous times so I have to ask:

  1. Does this theme work with the most recent SMP firmware?

  2. Is this theme even being worked on anymore?  The last activity I see from the author in this thread was 6 months ago…

Some specifics:

Firmware is: 1.12.14

The moviesheets I’m generating are Brightly Dark (both TV and Movie versions)

They generate 100% fine

I’m editing the xml to include essentially nothing but the tags

Thumbs and covers are displaying fine

It also seems I cannot get a moviesheet to display with any theme I’ve tried now, which is curious…

Edit:  I’m clearly doing something wrong; I’m able to get the “test” folders to display perfectly normally for other themes so I’m evidently missing something somewhere…



I’m editing the xml to include essentially nothing but the <backdrop> tags


How much are you manually editing out of the XML ?


You need at least the following in a movie xml for the moviesheet to work. (removing any more … and it won’t work)



<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8”?>
  <backdrop>The Dark Knight_sheet.jpg</backdrop>


Read Page(10) for more info




The latest firmware 1.12.14 doesn’t display sheets for themes. Hopefully this will be fixed in the next firmware update. Until then, downgrade to an earlier firmware version. I’m using 1.10.13 and everything works perfectly.

Firmware and instructions to downgrade:



From what ive read … Movies are Fine with Moviesheets


It’s TV Shows that are the problem. 

Joeys correct,

Moviesheets are ONLY broken for TV shows, movies are fine.

@ JoeySmyth

That’s pretty much exactly what I’ve got it edited down to.  In my case, it’s the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  American Horror Story S02E01\_sheet.jpg

It seems I’m confirming your reply to djkilla; I can get moviesheets to display perfectly fine for movies, but as soon as I attempt to do so with my TV collection, I get nothing.  I’ll try rolling back my firmware to what djkilla posted.

Thank you to both of you, thought I was going crazy when I was able to get movies to work and not tv shows…I must have missed a post saying tv shows were a problem.

Edit: thank you to all three of you :slight_smile:

A lot of this stuff gets posted in the Themes forum for the HUB, but not here:

But pretty much any bug that is found for the HUB will be the same for the SMP running on the FW released at the same time.

Same bugs in:

SMP - 1.12.14

HUB  - 3.08.14

Seems like a lot of new owners and regulars getting into themes are unaware that the latest firmware works great with movie sheets but TV sheets don’t work. There should be some kind of sticky to let people know that firmware 1.12.14 has issues not displaying TV sheets and all users should download a previous firmware. Hopefully a lot of these issues get resolved and fixed in the next firmware update.

I would like to know if there is a working link to get the thumbgen templates for the now defunct black mamba theme, or if there is a list of compatible movie sheets/templates that vcan be used with this theme as well.

Hi I`m new at all these forums and computer setup.

I`m trying to set up movie and TV templates or sheets?

Ive got to  Appearances, then browse to the downloaded but no( “Surreal Media Center”) in the dropdown list .Do i have to download this from some were?

My firmware is 1.13.18 on a wdtv live smp

Just bumping an awesome theme and wanted to know if anyone has found compatibile thumbgen sheets. About to see if I can use the newly released Goodbye Black Mamba.

Hi djkilla,

Further to the movie sheets you used, could you let me know which settings you used in the options section? I would like to use these but not clever enough to amend the options myself!

Thanks for your help