Was thinking of buying a JBOD specifically the ICY DOCK MB561US-4SB. I’ve read they work plugged into the SMP, but I was curious if it was still possible to mount the drives on a network connected computer like you can do with a single External HDD plugged into the SMP. I am curious because this makes transferring video files to the unit connected to the SMP much easier than unplugging it and moving it to a computer each time.

If anyone has experience I would love some info! Thanks.

if you have your smp set to share data

it will share anything attached vis SMB

I know that, but technically with a JBOD system like that the SMP would show 4 different drives under its list. I was wondering if when mounting as network drive under a PC if you could mount those 4 different drives separately as well.

depends on how it’s shared by the PC

since it’s JBOD

i assume it will show up a separate entries when you select network shares on the SMP

The JBOD would he connected to the SMP not the PC. I’m wondering if it allows the PC to add each HDD in the JBOD as a network share.

Yes. I have a JBOD (Vantec HX4) connected via USB directly to my SMP. The 4 HDD’s in the JBOD are mapped individually to my network. I used the WD Link software.

I know how you feel. Unless someone tries it, no one really knows. So I went and bit the bullet. Luckily, it worked out.

Hope this helps.

This does help, thanks a lot man!

Just in case someone else want’s to do this xristianos was right.

I purchased the exact ICY-DOCK in my original post and it works great I have two 3tb drives in it right now that show up as seperate drives and can be mapped to my PC as seperate drives.