"Quick test on drive 1 did not complete" error on my WD Black Caviar 2TB


I was running WD diagnostic tool on my Black Caviar 2TB and after just a few seconds of Quick Test I got this message " Quick test on drive 1 did not complete!" in window pop-out. Here is the full message: 

After that I tested my HD with HD Tune Pro and this are the results:

Reading Test

Error Scan (still in progress…)

Error Scan (performed back in March 2014)

Helath Info

As you can see there is a bad sector. Could be this my problem? Is my Black Caviar dieing? My PC with Intel 2500k is very slow and performs really bad. Every time I try to open internet browser or any other program my PC takes time to open an application and my HD has that “grinding” sound like it is searching for the files, very similar to Anti Virus scan sound. It is very anoying thing which last, well over half a year or more. I tried to reinstall my Windows in a hope I will get better performance but still my PC is very slow.

What do you suggest I do? Should I open RMA ticket for replacement? Am I eligible? Any tips would be great!

Hey bigBuddy

Ye you have all the warning sounds, WD black have a 5yr warrenty so if its in the time frame you should be fine(RMA it)

Thx for your input. I just checked RMA page and entered my Serial Number and I got message that my Caviar Black is out of the warranty. How can be this possible when Caviar Black hard drives have 5 years warranty and my hard drive was produced on July 2011. That means I have to have my HD under warranty until 2016! WD should do something about this because right now I am not happy. I payed a lot more for their best product just because of that warranty and performance and now this? I feel desprate… 

Hey big,

Ye i understand your frustration. this product is meant to be “the best” and you pay for it (with its 5yr warrenty being its selling point). The only thing i can think of, is contact the seller and find out more from them.

What is the date on the drive?

BigBuddy, you may have to contact WD’s Support Teams in order to amend the warranty to start from date of purchase. This can be done by submitting a Proof of Purchase (Receipt from an authorized reseller). For additional information please visit the following link:



I was getting that same message with my Caviar Green 1TB just recently. but in DOS I passed that test and extended test.  Not sure what is going on and might have to try that same scan you used.

Follow up. After I i did the right to zeros I was able to pass the windows version of the test and removed  the red block

OK, thx everybody! I am currently resolving this problem with WD’s support team. Hopefully they will accept replacement.