NFODIZ: Advice needed

Basically, I got sickbeard functioning well with nzbget and it maxes out my connection by following your guides.

The only things I really had to do was set the correct download folder for sickbeard to watch and click scan and process. 

However that setting is apparently very CPU intensive and bad for the hard drive, and causes sickbeard to bog down a bit. 

However, this series of scripts ( apparently allows sickbeard, couchpotato, and other apps to integrate more smoothly with nzbget and sickbeard no longer has to scan the download folder on a constant basis. 

But it requires at least python 2.6 to run.  

My question would be, is there a way to install 2.5 and 2.6 side by side preserve the performance gains of python 2.5 over 2.6 as it relates to unrarring/processing downloaded files AND run these scripts?

This might be the ideal combination for people who want to automate their TV downloads on a mybook live. 

Why exactly do you need python 2.5?

I use nzbget too, and i have python 2.7 installed, so it can run a certain ppscript. As far as i know you can install several versions of python side by side. Just use ipkg install python26 and in the nzbtomediascript point to


But i think you are confusing nzbget and sabnzbd. Nfodiz wrote in the sabnzbd guide that you can gain performance with python 2.5. For nzbget to work you don’t need python, only for some scripts.

zawaponga is absolutely correct with everything he said :slight_smile: