My Book Live won't turn on-Please help!

I have a My Book Live i bought to back up my 1TB mac. It was so painfully slow that I also bought a My Book which I use to back up daily.

With all the MacBooks around here I thought it would be convenient to try and use the wireless device again, so I just went to try and use the My Book Live and noticed that there was no light on the front. The lights on the back indicating a network connection were on. I unplugged the drive and plugged it back in and no now lights are on at all. I tried different outlets and a different power supply and still nothing. Totally dead - no sounds at all when plugged in so I am sure there is absolutley no power.

I’ve only used the drive maybe once or twice because it was just too slow, so it’s not like I wore it out.

Any suggestions, or is it a doorstop now?

I hope someone can help - I love Western Digital products and would be really dissappointed if this thing died with virtually no use at all.

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It’s possible for the Power Adapter to be at fault. If so, WD Support can provide you with another one under warranty. You can do so either by phone or email.

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