Mojo for the SMP. (Updated 9-29-12)

I did use the latest coverbox templates you posted. I also have the Mojo glass sheet folders in the template folder though. Should I remove those and only use TW No Cover Box_SMP 194X369 instead? Some folders seem to be displaying properly using the glass sheets and the no cover box, but others do not. I think the png’s that were showing up that I mentioned earlier were from a previous run of thumbgen.

No, you don’t have delete anything from the templates folder.  If WD ever fixes it so true pngs can be used I’ll go back to implementing so those can be used.  But you need the Mojo glass sheet to generate the moviesheet.

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One last thing (hopefully).

Should I need to edit the xml files at all? For some reason on some files the movie sheet is displaying as the cover box. Or would that likely be a re-compile the library issue? I had to roll back to the OEM theme because for some reason the other day the WDTV SMP wasn’t seeing my network shares. It saw my router, but didn’t see my PC (Windows 7) that everything is shared from. Once I rolled back it saw my PC just fine. :confounded:

Thanks for your assistance TW.

No, there should be no need to edit the xml if you are generating it correctly.  There is an exception to this though, and that is for TV Shows, because Thumbgen is not yet setup to generate the TV show xml data correctly (TG has been made aware though).

As for why you are seeing moviesheets for thumbnails, this could be due to a couple of reasons.  You have the nameing wrong or you have not generated the thumb correctly or you are missing the thumb.

At the minimum, you should have these files:


   filename.mkv (or what ever your extension is)

   filename.jpg (coverart)

   filename_sheet.jpg (moviesheet)

   filename.xml (metadata)

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Tinwarble wrote:

No, there should be no need to edit the xml if you are generating it correctly.  There is an exception to this though, and that is for TV Shows, because Thumbgen is not yet setup to generate the TV show xml data correctly (TG has been made aware though).


As for why you are seeing moviesheets for thumbnails, this could be due to a couple of reasons.  You have the nameing wrong or you have not generated the thumb correctly or you are missing the thumb.


At the minimum, you should have these files:



   filename.mkv (or what ever your extension is)

   filename.jpg (coverart)

   filename_sheet.jpg (moviesheet)

   filename.xml (metadata)

OK, I think I see wher the issue may be. I do have all the listed files, I also have a .tgmd file, but on the _sheet.jpg files that is all the name of the file is for each folder _sheet.jpg the filename is not before the _sheet. I’ll work on appending that one later or tomorrow I have to many files to start in on it now. 

OK, I think I see wher the issue may be. I do have all the listed files, I also have a .tgmd file, but on the _sheet.jpg files that is all the name of the file is for each folder _sheet.jpg the filename is not before the _sheet. I’ll work on appending that one later or tomorrow I have to many files to start in on it now.

Ajcrash, I get a fairly good response from Thumbgen for TV shows and series when I name the file episode:

Game of Thrones - S2E1.avi               (or whatever the extension is) and then run ThumbGen.

I use the hyphen etc just this way.  After ‘searching’ Thumbgen comes up with all the episode information at the foot of the page. 

The next episode is called:

Game of Thrones - S2E2.avi etc.

I found this naming method in another of Tinwarble’s guides for another media player.  It works fine with Mojo and ThumbGen for the better known series but may have a few hiccups with lesser known UK TV Series.

I have each episode in its own folder to get away from the the S1E1 being followed by S1E10 rather than the episode S1E2.

This works for me.

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Thanks for the tip, I’ll keep that in mind once I work my way into the TV shows. Renaming all the seasons of MASH is going to be a real joy.

Alright anybody have ideas on this one?

I went through and named all my _sheet.jpg to filename_sheet.jpg. All the cover boxes are now properly displayed and I get the movie info from the xml file displayed correctly; however, now instead of the sheet displaying I get another coverbox. I tried reverting back to just _sheet and that didn’t work, I also tried adding a space between the filename and the underscore still no good.

The files I have in each folder are as follows:

   filename.mkv (whichever extension it may be)






That’s because you didn’t fix the name in the xml.

Instead of trying to go back and manually rename everything, try re-generating it the correct way with Thumbgen.  This will make sure that you have everything the way it is supposed to be to correctly display.

Well **bleep**! OK, I see what I missed on the movie sheet. At least I know what art I want for the files, I’ve chosen them enough times.

Thanks a ton.

Mojo update Comming Soon.

I’m in the process of updating Mojo.  I haven’t had a chance to make any updates to it and the current version is based on the HUB’s 2.07 FW.  Unfortunately, some of the tricks (like the renaming .pngs to .jpg) doesn’t work on the SMP, so to make it visually appealing and work better for the latest FW I’ve done some tweaking.

Some of the changes are:

Making the thumbs (coverart) with reflections look more natural.

Adding Menu items for RSS and Live TV (Live TV will not be in the next release, but will come later)

Adding Optons Menu when playing video (this has been imported from Darklight, but will get it’s own later)

There will be more changes to come.

If you are using Mojo and want to get a head start, I suggest that you go to the Darklight thread and download the Coverbox templates linked there, since it is the template you will need to make the new version display as it should.

You don’t have to re-generate moviesheets though, they will be the same, you only need to re-generate the coverboxes.  If you have the tgmd files for your movies then this should not take long if you use “Create from Metadata”.

Bump for update 6-26-12

If your are updating or using for the first time PLEASE make sure you read the first post.

Tinwarble wrote:

Bump for update 6-26-12


If your are updating or using for the first time PLEASE make sure you read the first post.

Thanks Tinwarble. 

I have downloaded and installed the Mojo 2 for ThumbGen.  I deleted the relevant files in my installed version of Thumbgen and replaced them with the files from your Mojo 2 download.  I had previously updated the Cover Box Templates.

All worked fine.

I had previously not bothered to update the movie sheet to “2” and was still using the the original Mojo_glass even though I had “2” installed.  Now I have graduated to “2” for my movie sheets as well.

All going fine and looking great.


Congrats on what you are doing with improving the Mojo theme.  Keep up the great work.

The only minor inconsistency I have noticed is in the Dashboard.  You cannot easily navigate across the top option bar to access Favorites, Recently Viewed, New Items, etc, 


And yes I know, that’s because that is missing from the OSD.  Even if you use WD’s Legacy theme it is the same and WD made that theme.

You can with the default MOCHI SMP theme, but I assume this is due to limitations with the SMP firmware versus your Mojo theme based upon the more open hub firmware.

No, it’s the same on the HUB.  The issue is that the OSD (Mochi theme) that is released (which is what themes are built off) is missing some data.  Without that data it is impossible to modify those missing parts.

The reason you can with the default Mochi theme on the SMP/HUB is because the info was origianlly flashed with that data.  But the OSD (Mochi) that is released for us to modify is missing the data.  And as I said WD’s own Legacy theme is also missing the data.

If you don’t modify anything to do with the dashboard, then it will display, but if you modify it like I did and use the theme xml data that is supplied, then it will not.

Tinwarble I found a segue to this forum from WD Live HUB. I have been a long time user of you Mojo Mojo 1.12.01 (MS) theme. I was hoping you could add an update section to your PDF and perahps your 1st post in this thread. What is the best method of upgrading our files to your latest version?

What is simple and straight forward to you can be… well challenging for some of us. Following your past explanations were sometimes a “monkey see monkey do”. Make all the changes you ask in Thumgen and follow this process.

For myself I need a new road map. I cannot be the only one in need of this push up the hill. Can you make a step-by-step guide on how I (we) should proceed to change our system from the legacy idea which supported the .png to .jpg trick.

We need to delete files and recreate them. Is that everything from scratch or just some files. Could any batch jobs help us update files? Even an image batch jop that resizes and or cuts out the lower field that does not show up?

I have hundreds of movies and I want to get the most out of the newest WD Live HUB firmware version.

Thank you for your time. Please update a post back on the WD Hub forum. I was an hour + reading posts before I found your work over here.


I’m not ready to update the HUB’s Mojo forum just yet, that is why it has not been updated.  However, you can use this version on the HUB and the instructions (somewhat) are in the Tutorial on how to do that (See Pg.1).  As shown by the update date, the tutorial has been updated and you should re-read it.

“What is simple and straight forward to you can be… well challenging for some of us. Following your past explanations were sometimes a “monkey see monkey do”. Make all the changes you ask in Thumgen and follow this process.”

Yes, I understand this.  That is why I try to make the tutorial a step by step process.  I do not have the time to explain all the details on how Thumbgen works or what each item does.  Leaning how Thumbgen works is something each person will have to learn on their own.  My purpose is to get you started and to be able to generate everything you need for my themes.

“We need to delete files and recreate them. Is that everything from scratch or just some files. Could any batch jobs help us update files? Even an image batch jop that resizes and or cuts out the lower field that does not show up?”

No, you shouldn’t need to delete anything.  If your comming from my old version to this version, and you generated the .tgmd file when you generated your data before you can use the “Create from Metadata” option when generating.  Most of this is explained in the new tutorial.

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I’m running Mojo Glass 2 and am very happy with it. I have no real problems at all with movies, but for some reason with TV episodes I get a blank space directly after actor: and then underneath it shows something like “actor’s name”

A typical excerpt from the xml is

Antonio Carluccio

If anyone can tell me where I going wrong I would appreciate it.